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A Journal Routine To Transform You

Journaling has always been something I live by. By putting your thoughts on to paper you can begin to understand and organize your thoughts. Our thinking plays a huge part in how we percieve ourselves, our actions and how we treat others. So by writing about our day, our feelings and whats makes us feel good or what makes us feel bad we can see where we need to form new habits and and even rewrite our thoughts.

The journaling routine I love going back to is on Self Concept. Writing about the way we want see ourselves and the world around us. Having a strong self concept is so powerful when it comes to manifesting your desires, acheiving goals and confidence. You can really transform into your ideal version of yourself by rewriting those limiting beliefs and changing your perspective on yourself.

“Self Concept is how you see yourself, how you see the world, how you assume the world and life work; manifestations are going to come into your life depending/conforming on those things.”

Write about what kind of person you want to show up as. Are you a fun and joyful person? What is your life like, Are you successful and live an amazing exciting life full of travel? Do things always seem to work in your favor? What goals have you accomplished? Are you a confident and expressive person? Do you have love in your life? Do you feel supported by your friends and family? How do other people see you? What do you love about your life.(And remember to write your answers as if it is already true!)

Example: “I have a beautiful life and am surrounded by love.”, “ I am fully capable and fearless.”

By deciding that these things are true and reflecting on them you can become everything and anything you want to be.

You can also check out my Self Discovery Journal, ‘A Look Within’ The use of these prompts will allow you become a more confident, capable and successful person. Realize and manifest your ideal higher self with these helpful reflective and goal oriented exercises.